Thursday 6 June 2013

The inaugural post, or 'Initiating the cycle'

Good morning, The Internet, nice to meet you. Come in, sit down, have a virtual biscuit. Oh, go on - take two!

You, dear Reader, are pleasured to read this, the inaugural post of DuoCircular. 'But what's it all about?' I here your cry, enthusiastically. Well, let me explain. It's a 'web log' that will detail my build-up of the Singular Cycles Gryphon, an all-steel off-road gentleman's bicycle (or 'mountain bike', as I believe some people are calling it). In the unlikely event that any bugger actually bothers to read this blog, the scope may expand to cover other things to do with bikes as well; but for now, this is something of an idle experiment. Let us see.

Upon these humble pages you can expect to find meticulous documentation of the myriad minutiae that comprise building a bicycle: component choices, problems encountered, construction steps and data. If you are one of those that likes to see pictures of digital kitchen scales underneath shiny new bike parts, I unreservedly exhort you to continue reading/watch this space.

Gosh, is that the time? Better wrap up this wee postule. The next one will probably be entitled something like: 'Why the Singular Gryphon?' But, to tide you over till then, here's a tantalising pre-unboxing photograph. [Whoop-whoop, weeee!]

Singular Gryphon box
One ... um ... box. Yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zeno. Sorry - can't find a better way to contact you. I have a Ragley Luxe bar I am about to take off my 29er.
    Are you interested?
    My email is
